Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church has set up two types of endowment funds using different investment portfolios.
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church Growth Endowment Fund – was established in 2007 to accept and manage gifts and bequests that look beyond the church’s annual budget needs. Net income is used to support ministries and missions, and the principal is retained to provide a foundation for the long-term security of Christ Our Savior. Distributions of net income are made each year, taking into account recommendations from our pastors. The Endowment Committee is responsible for managing the Fund.
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church Traditional Endowment Fund – the fund’s purpose, as stated in Article IX of Christ Our Savior’s Bylaws, is to receive gifts and bequests and to use the net income earned on investments for the mission and ministries of Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church, and LCMS districts, seminaries, colleges, institutions or agencies. The Bylaws further provide that up to 75% of the net income from undesignated gifts shall be used for congregational purposes and up to 25% of the net income from undesignated gifts shall be used for outside projects. Designated gifts with a minimum principal amount of $25,000 may be made on terms and conditions acceptable to the Endowment Committee.
• Periodic giving beyond your tithes and offerings (designate “Christ Our Savior Endowment Fund”on your payment or church envelope). Gifts of appreciated securities may provide additional tax benefits.
• Making “Qualified Charitable Distributions” from IRA’s that are required to make annual minimum distributions are not taxable.
•Insurance policies and annuities may be structured to provide charitable deductions.
•Thrivent Choice Dollar elections, programs that offer charitable rebates, etc.
* Include a bequest to Christ our Savior Endowment Fund in your Will or Trust.
* Including the Fund as a beneficiary for a percentage of your IRA or other retirement plan can be tax effective.
* Designating the Fund as a beneficiary for a percentage of an insurance policy or donor advised fund can also facilitate giving a legacy.
* Suggest gifts to the Endowment Fund (e.g., in lieu of flowers) as a memorial on the passing of a loved one.
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Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church Growth Endowment Fund
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church Traditional Endowment Fund