Location: Columbus , OH
Organization Name: Atonement Lutheran Church
Purpose of Fund: The overarching purpose of the Endowment Program is to help Atonement build up the Kingdom of God. Specific goals are to:
- Support Atonement’s mission. The ways in which the Endowment Program evolves will directly reflect the evolution of Atonement’s mission. Flexibility rather than rigidity, creativity rather than tradition, and forward thinking rather than unadventurous timidity will characterize this Program’s movement forward.
- Provide opportunity for Atonement members and friends of Atonement to impact the congregation and its mission long-term.
- Encourage and receive gifts and bequests from members and friend of Atonement.
- Prudently manage the Endowment’s principal including preservation of its purchasing power.
- Help Atonement’s pastor, teachers, staff and members to think effectively about mission and program opportunities and to put forth proposals for action on these visions.
- Annually fund one or more proposals that are supplementary to the church budget.
For more information in regard to our endowment program, please visit: http://atonementchurch.com/
If you would like to donate to one of these funds and help the Atonement Lutheran Church in their mission, please click on the “Donate” button below.
Atonement Growth Endowment Program
Atonement Traditional Endowment Program