Clara & Spencer Werner Fund*
P.O. Box 31
Paris, IL 61944
Application Guidelines
The Clara & Spencer Werner Fund has no general application form. Your application should consist of:
- A Cover Letter
The cover letter should be short, concise and state the amount and reason aid is being requested. - Proof of Federal Tax Exempt Status
Please include your EIN number. - An Audited Financial Statement
The Statement requested is from the previous year. If you have no Financial Statement you may submit a budget with projected income and expenses for the coming year. - Contact Person
Please include the name, address, phone number, and relationship to the organization of an individual who may be contacted regarding the request. - Supporting Documentation
Include information about your organization including the membership of the governing board. Provide some indication of your qualifications to accomplish your project. - Application in Triplicate
Application Deadline: May 15th
*The Clara & Spencer Werner Fund is a Donor Advised Fund held inside Lutheran Legacy Foundation.